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Mobile app framework preview image

All you need to know about mobile app frameworks

When creating a mobile app, an important decision we make early on is which framework to use as the foundation of the project. This involves choosing between developing a native app or a hybrid app. But what exactly is the difference?

Making a drawing of Edward and the Ghost on a tablet

Creating an old school story with modern techniques: Edward and the Ghost

Originally started as a macabre children’s book, Edward & The Ghost came alive through digital storytelling in a web-based interactive storybook. Wanting to showcase their abilities and at the same time use it as proof of concept for similar future projects, Once Storytelling created this first chapter of the story as a passion project.

ARKit logo

What we learned after playing around with ARkit for a week

When Apple announced ARKit earlier this year, the writing was on the wall that AR might be on the verge of blowing up into the mainstream. We put the software to the test to see if it is really living up to the hype.